The Grand Canyon of Mars, as wide as North America. Valles Marineris will be touring with the Studio Art Quilt Associates show "Fierce Planets" until 2026. $4500
In high still air, a solitary sentinel stands. Vigilant for a wisp of smoke. Climb the 65" x 43" $1200
40" x 58" $850 My fantastic vision of prehistoric seeds bursting forth from a primordial nursery.
36" x 43" $650 The behavior of elements.
25" x 48" $650 Click on "Go to Link" to read the artist's statement about this piece.
48" x 34" $650
25" x 48" $650 Click on "Go to Link" to read the artist's statement about this piece.
31" x 27" sold Click on "Go to Link" to read the artist's statement about this piece.
44" x 36" sold Click on "Go to Link" to read the artist's statement about this piece.